Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Already?!?!

I have been so bad about updating this blog. My apologies to anyone who might actually check it on occasion! It's just been so busy at work and at home the past few months. I barely have time to think anymore. Maybe that's a good thing?

Anyway, everyone is happy and healthy which is really all anybody can ask for. We're getting ready for Thanksgiving this week and then.....Christmas! I'm so excited about presents and gifts this year. Alex, Vivi and Maddie are all going to be so adorable. And hopefully Stewart and Tanya's twins will be born around then, too. There have been some scary moments for Stewart and Tanya in the past few months and Tanya has been on bed rest for about nine weeks now! But the babies are growing still and it looks like they're going to hang out for a little while longer which is great. Fingers crossed for Christmas babies because that's when they're scheduled to get here - no offense twins but we don't want to meet you any earlier than that! Really can't wait for their arrival, though - I love twins!!!! I've said it before, and I know I'm crazy, but I would love twins! Maybe not right away - but in the toddler years I'm sure there are some really funny moments ;)

Anyway, enough about all of that. Alex is doing great. He's a bundle of running energy these days and is still obsessed with cars, outside and dogs. Oh, and Elmo now, too. He's talking a bit more but he really mumbles pretty badly - oops. That's probably from my side of the family. He had his first spend the night adventure with Grandma and Grandpa and that went really well. He's spent the night with Nana and Papa before but it was a first for my parents. They, of course, absolutely loved all of it and I thought it was really cute how they entertained him. A trip to Chick fil A and a blow-up mattress to sleep on - which has turned into his and Vivi's new favorite toy. Yesterday Courtney, Myke and I all went to Toys R Us for some Christmas shopping and left the munchkins with my parents. Alex was so good! Where he usually tries to kick or push Vivi he gave her a hug and showed her all of the toys when she got there. That made me so happy because I was getting nervous about his lack of sharing with her. He's good at school, it's just Vivi he's like that with - but maybe we've turned a new corner.....

There isn't too much else to update - life has just been crazy for us this past month and a half. Work has really sped up for both of us which is good but also stressful. I'll attempt to post pictures eventually - I'm better about posting them on Facebook - so if you have an account, look there for picture updates.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I have been so bad

Things have been crazy busy and I have completely forgotten to update this blog. I don't think I can nicely write everything out - perhaps a list of happenings to tide you over, dear reader:

-Alex is 17 months old now and still a stocky booger

-Some of Alex's tricks and mannerisms:

- Full-fledged running - oh no!

- Obsessed with cars and shoes. He was actually mumbling in his sleep the other night about cars - and it's the very first thing he says when he wakes up. He has a little 4-wheeler that he is also obsessed with (it's a car) - he will actually "inspect" it before riding it and has the funniest serious face while he's "driving." So cute!

- He has four teeth - right and left on the top and bottom. I think he's working on more, though, because there has been a LOT of drooling and chewing lately.

- Alex also LOVES to be outside. Immediately after dinner there is a fit if there is not "outsi" time. It's really very cute - he grabs the doorknob on the door and says "outsi" over and over again until you take him. We have been walking down the street to our friend Jake's house three houses down. Adorable little boy about 6 weeks younger than Alex. Alex even knows which driveway to walk up and will walk up the driveway without us if we don't follow - intent on seeing Jake. He even sat on their front stoop for five minutes refusing to leave once - they weren't home :(

- He's also gotten very independent lately and is really testing boundaries. I insist on him holding my hand when we walk down the street. He insists on jerking his hand away constantly and screaming at me until he just gives up. He doesn't understand that I'm more stubborn than him ;) It's also really cute that he'll ask to be put into his crib at night when I'm cuddling him. I'll hold him a little bit with the light off and after a few minutes he reaches for his crib and rolls over onto his belly to go to sleep as soon as I put him down.

I'll add more later. There is just never enough time in the day! Yikes! And pictures soon I promise. He's just rarely still enough for non-blurry pictures.....


Friday, July 31, 2009

Wha' Happened?

Wow - the past few months have flown by! I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of August...the summer has been too short.

Well, things to update:
Alex is just over 15 months old now - I cannot believe how big he is now! He had his check-up yesterday and is weighing 25.3 pounds and is 31.5 inches tall. He's a little chunk! He's pretty stocky compared to other little boys his age - I think we have a little linebacker on our hands. He's also learned so much the past couple of months. He is saying about 10 words pretty clearly and likes to "read" his books to us. He's also started singing along with me when I sing to him - it's hilarious! He's starting to walk much faster and (I'm afraid) he's beginning to run - yikes! He loves to be outside and is in heaven when he's taking a bath. I think he would just sleep in the tub if we let him. He gets very upset when it's time to get out. Oh - he also finally has teeth! I'll post pictures eventually. His bottom left tooth came in first at about 14 months and now his top left tooth is poking through. It looks like the right bottom and right top are close behind. I hope so - he's going to have a lopsided mouth!

Oh - and the baby update! Lenzi was born on July 6 to Sandy and Scott. I'm so excited for them! We went to visit them and she is an adorable little peanut. She's been a bit fussy this past month, though, so I hope that Sandy and Scott are getting a little rest at least. I don't remember those early days too well - but I do remember being so overwhelmed and tired. I know that Sandy and Scott are doing great, though, and I hope that they realize that as well.
BIG NEWS - Justin's business partner and his wife are pregnant with TWINS!!! I'm so excited and also a bit jealous ;) I've always wanted twins.....but I guess this is the best way to experience them - ha!

That's all I'll update with for now. We've been so busy lately I haven't even been taking pictures very well - I'll be better now that our busy weekends are slowing down. Hopefully!

Monday, June 8, 2009

What has turned into a monthly update.....

I’m sorry I haven’t updated this blog is such a long time – we have been incredibly busy in the past month. There are vacations, family reunions, pictures, videos, showers and, of course, Alex developments to update. My head has essentially not stopped spinning since early April. One day I’ll enjoy a quiet weekend again. But not any time in the near future. We still have quite a month planned out, so maybe in July? I think I’m going to force a date night with Justin in a month or two – we need a break!

Anyway, we had our first real family vacation the last week of May. It was fantastic! We went to Panama City Beach for a week with my parents and it was really nice. Alex did not like the sand or the surf AT ALL when we first got there. It took him a good four days to finally warm up to it all. He didn’t care for the kiddie pool at first either, but I kind of slid him in from my lap and he didn’t really respond. When he realized he was in (what I’m sure was to him) a giant bathtub, he started kicking around and splashing a lot! It was really cute – and then, of course, he didn’t want out! The sand was pretty funny as well. He was okay with it at first, mostly because we just set him down in it and let him walk towards the ocean holding daddy’s hand. But he fell a couple times and that was it – fussy! So, after that, he was okay sitting under the umbrella on the chair, but wanted nothing to do with playing in the sand. On the second day out there, my mom and dad finally got him to play with his buckets and shovels and get into the sand – and then I couldn’t get him out of it! It was really cute. But the ocean was a real problem until the fourth or fifth day. Every time Justin would wade in, Alex would reach towards him and scream. And he had a fit if we tried to wade in with him. But on the fourth day it was suddenly okay. He held my hand and led me right up to it and wanted to go in – it was the strangest thing. I guess he realized that if daddy was in there it was probably okay.

Overall – vacation was a pretty great trip. The weather was great the whole time and it was nice to have my parents there so they could spend lots of time with Alex. And Alex had a few surprises for us – he is now 100% walking. He was still 50/50 with walking and crawling, but once we got into the condo, he was done with the crawling. I absolutely love watching him walk around – tiny walking person! Adorable! We also had to leave a day early because poor munchkin got a double ear infection. I’m not sure what prompted that but it was not fun for the poor little guy. He had a fever of 103 so we packed up and headed home.

In other news, Justin’s dad’s family had a family reunion right after we go back from vacation and it was great seeing and meeting a bunch of Justin’s relatives. There were so many new people there, I have no idea who I’ve met before and who was new! But it was nice getting together and letting Alex and Maddie play out on the lawn with the little Cozy Coupe. I cannot wait until Alex, Vivi and Maddie are about three years old! They were all born within two months of each other so I’m sure there will be lots of fun play times in the future! I didn’t have any cousins my own age so I’m really excited for Alex – even if he is surrounded by girls!

I also threw Sandy a baby shower this past weekend at her house in Social Circle. It was so much fun – old friends from high school. I miss everyone so much and I really love the times we’re able to all get together. Sandy is adorable pregnant – her belly is enormous, but she’s still tiny in her arms and legs and face. Not at all like me as a pregnant women. We got to see her nursery which I am in love with (I want to have a girl so badly now) and I she got a lot of really useful gifts – which would of course happen with me being involved – Ms. Practical! Anyway, it was great seeing her sisters and her mom and getting to spend some time with Kip, Greg, Jacob and Jonathan. I miss them all so much – I hate the “growing up, growing apart” thing that seems to happen. But I love that we can all be thrown together and not miss a bit – sign of true friendship.

In other Alex developmental news, he’s babbling like crazy now. Uh-oh and dada are his favorites. He can really whine mama – rarely does he just say it. That boy learns early, huh? He will also say dog, duck, that (dat) and he knows what ball, cat, fan, up, blue, green, yellow, yes and no mean. He’s also really good at signing “all done” – he does it at every meal. He’s also quite the ham – he makes the silliest faces. Justin has him making a “Clint Eastwood” face now – he’ll squint his little eyes and stare at you very seriously. And after about five seconds he cracks up laughing. I’m in trouble with this one! He’s also completely weaned! We did it – we made it a whole year, even with me working. I have to be honest, though, I never really had any problems breastfeeding. The fact that he still has no teeth may have something to do with that ;)

Oh – and I’m currently uploading tons of videos to youtube – they take way too long to update to this blog. But anyone can see them:

I think that’s all for now – I’m sure this has made for quite a long read – sorry. I’m going to try to be better. It’s just been so busy at work and at home for so many months now…..Boo.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well, I survived the month of April! I cannot believe how much has happened in the past couple of weeks - busy busy busy!

Viviana's birthday party was great - here are some of her pictures:

The cakes:

The birthday girl:

And the mayhem:

After making the butterfly cakes I was really inspired to make the pirate cake for Alex's birthday - and it was actually kind of fun! Who knew I would enjoy making cakes? I like eating them.....

Anyway, it was a lot of fun and a ton of people showed up. I was so happy that Sandy and Scott and Kaisa and Eric all made it. And it was awesome getting to see Sandy's baby belly! It's huge! She's not - she's still tiny - but the belly is crazy. Especially since the last time I saw her she was just starting to show. Love it!

Alex's Nana and Papa brought Alex the best thing ever (in my childlike eyes) a moonwalk!

Of course, that's me in there with the babies! They loved it, too! It's not a huge one - but it is big. Alex, Vivi and Maddie were all so cute when I would bounce around a bit to make them bounce while they were sitting there. They all had the biggest smiles on their faces! Adorable!

Alex also got a little four wheeler from my parents! Vivi got one the weekend before last and she and Alex were all over that thing. Now they each have one. Too cute! Alex is so funny, though - he'd rather push the thing. Silly kid....

He also got a ton of other things that he doesn't need but he is having a ball playing with all of it. I really enjoy watching him discover something new - and he is just the funniest little kid when he's excited! Recently, he's been playing in the playhut from his Nana and Papa that has turned into a ballpit and he just sits in there banging two balls together and kicking his little feet back and forth. It adorable!

Here are the rest of the pictures from his birthday:

It was all a lot of fun and I'm really glad everyone that was able to come showed up. Can't wait until next year!

In other news - Alex is essentially walking! He's taken up to four steps at a time but yesterday he was suddenly walking around everywhere. It's like a little light clicked in his head! I picked him up from school and he walked over to me. I got him home and he was walking to his toys or to beg for food from me or Justin - that kid is a piggy pig! His teacher said he just started walking yesterday - I love it! Hopefully we will have some videos to post soon. There is just not enough time in the day!

Oh - and this is really just for my parents and my father-in-law - but I actually mowed the lawn last night! I'm such a girl - I have never mowed a lawn before. Justin is still limping around on his bum ankle and I just couldn't stand to see him hobble around behind a lawnmower so I offered to do it for him. I didn't think he would acquiesce! So, I instead of going for a jog like I intended, I got a much better workout by mowing our front yard - I guess it's almost 1/2 an acre? It's big and that mower is not self-propelled. I was definitely sweating - that's all I know. But anyway - go me!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lots to update

Where to begin? There has been a lot going on around the Watkins home in the past few days. I'm pretty exhausted!

On Alex's birthday, his Nana (Justin's mom) took Alex to Stride Rite to get him his first "real" shoes. My mom met us there after work and Alex was, of course, terrified at the prospect of having his feet measured. It was interesting trying to find him shoes because he has the fattest feet I have ever seen on a baby - and I'm really not exaggerating when I say that. Those piggies are porkers! We found a couple little sneakers that would go onto his foot so Sandra got him those as a birthday gift. We had to put toys in front of him in order to get his foot squished into the shoes - he was not having any of it otherwise. He is such a little stinker sometimes. We also tried to get him into some sandals but that was just hilarious. His feet are so fat that he had fat poking out of the holes of the shoes. It didn't look very comfortable, hence the two pairs of sneakers. He really likes his shoes, too. He loves the laces on his lace-up sneakers and I feel like he's walking around much better with the shoes. Here are pictures of his new shoes:

After getting his new shoes, Sandra and I ate dinner at Ruby Tuesday's and Alex was hilarious! He was being really good eating some crackers and broccoli that I ordered for him. When our food came out he lunged at my french fries and kept taking them from me. Then he grabbed one of Sandra's mini burgers and sat there holding it with both hands like a big boy. He nibbled on it a bit and then threw it down in typical Alex fashion. He also kept saying uh-oh and then throwing Sandra's keys onto the floor. We have to work with him on not telling on himself before he does something that requires an uh-oh!

Thursday was Alex's one year check-up at the pediatrician. He's doing very well developmentally and everything looked great for him. They wanted to check his ears because he had an ear infection a few weeks ago - but apparently my child overproduces ear wax because they had to flush his ear out in order to see the ear drum. Awesome. So, before he even got his shots he was in a great mood. But he was a real trooper and was fine by the time we left. He is currently 30 inches tall and weighs almost 22 pounds. He hasn't really gained any weight in the past couple of months, but he has been growing. He was just soooo fat at his last check-up! Now he seems so skinny to me that I want to force feed him! I have to get used to the fact that he's not a baby anymore :(

Friday was a very interesting day. I was getting Alex ready for bed and Justin decided to clean out the gutter spouts. We've had a bit of a wasp infestation around our house and we think they've taken up residence in the spouts since the gutters have been cleaned for the most part. I was also baking cakes for Viviana's birthday party on Saturday so there was a lot going on at the same time! I was in the kitchen with Alex turning off the oven so the cakes wouldn't burn while I got Alex into bed, and Justin hobbled through the kitchen saying he needed a band-aid. I made him sit down and tell me why he was limping and all he would say was he needed a band-aid (which we, of course, did not have - hello gauze and scotch tape!). I kept asking him if he hit his head and he insisted he had not but wouldn't really tell me what happened. I could tell something was wrong with him so I made him take his boots off and then his socks - that's when I realized why he was acting like he had a head injury. He was actually in a lot of pain and just not cognizant of it - he had sprained his ankle pretty badly! It looked like a baseball under his skin over his left ankle! A wasp had flown at his face while he was on the ladder and he and the ladder came tumbling down. Both were casualties - the ladder bent and, well, Justin has cuts on his hand and a sprained ankle. It's better today after lots of rest, ice, compression and elevation :) He's pretty darn stubborn, though. But I felt kind of like a single parent this weekend because he was completely unable to walk or hold Alex while standing (and who wants to be held while sitting?) or really do much of anything. I felt so bad for him, too, because he's really helpful around the house and hates watching people work while he's just sitting there. I had to be a mean nurse and force him to elevate his foot. He's not the best patient! But it is much better and he's even using a cane today instead of crutches. That's a huge relief! He's also insisting on a wasp holocaust after his ankle gets better. I think I may need to get one of those sting/bite kits now in preparation of that!

As for Vivana's birthday party on Saturday, it was a ton of fun! There were a few hiccups late last week as far as Myke's family and some of our family attending so I ran around on Thursday and Friday rounding up Courtney's friends so that Viviana could still have a birthday party. Courtney and I had both done a lot of work preparing for this party so I was not going to let it fall apart at the last minute! Thankfully some of her friends were able to come without much warning so that Viviana was able to have her own birthday party. It was a lot of fun and I made two butterfly cakes for it and tons of cupcakes which we turned into an inchworm! I need to post pictures because it was all really cute. And she got loads of presents from everyone - she was so overwhelmed it was precious! Her grandma and grandpa gave her a little battery operated four wheeler which was hilarious to watch her on - and Alex, too! They were almost fighting over it towards the end of the afternoon. I had to distract Alex to keep him from pushing her off the thing! Overall, though, it was a great afternoon and I'm so happy it all worked out. I know Courtney was really upset that it almost fell apart because it was important to her to give Viviana a birthday party. Thank goodness for Courtney's friends. They are awesome!

Well, I think that concludes my novella. I wasn't kidding when I said a lot had happened in the last few days! I'm going to be spending this week preparing for Alex's birthday party this weekend - pirates!!!! I'm going to attempt to make a pirate ship cake and I'm also going to need to make tons of desserts for his dessert island party. I also need to get all three of us ready for Alex's one year photos this Saturday. I can't believe it's already time for his one year photos! This year has flown by!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Happy Birthday little munchkin!!!! We've made it through the first year!

Tomorrow is Alex's one year check-up with the pediatrician and then an afternoon filled with mommy-time. He's spending his birthday with his daddy today. I would get him on the day of shots :(

But regardless - happy birthday sweet boy!!!